Life with our Siberian Husky and Yakutian Laika puppies
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These videos will give you a good idea of the fun life we share with our puppies. The dogs are our passion. I LOVE MY PUPPIES and MY PUPPIES LOVE US. Our Siberian Husky puppoee and Yakutian Laika puppies have a lot of fun while growing. Here is a sneak peak at the fun life we have with our Yakutian Laika and Siberian Husky puppies.
As the kennel manager for service dogs in training for many years at an Assistance Dogs International accredited service dog program, I was taught those methods and have consistently worked from there. Bringing what I already knew before working there, combined with that knowledge and then years of experience after that. I moved out to East Texas after finding this property for the dogs. Flooding had been a big issue on my previous land after subdivision homes got built from all of the surrounding farmland. My puppies are raised in a fun and positive environment with a focus on positivity and a safely changing environment.
Learn to potty outside on natural materials
Lots of toys and stimulation.
Consistant positive interaction with people.
Generally our puppies are very bonded to us, which does make videos and photos more difficult
Ride in the side by side and/or the trolley to get used to travel while staying safely on our ranch.
Safe interaction with cats, not generally direct contact
Exposed to livestock
- Puppy Patio time with changes in toys and challenges.
Accustomed to loud noises, a lot of target practice etc. here so our dogs tend to be fine with gunshots, fireworks etc.
- Offlead/interactive walks in our fields and woods.
- Raised at an AKC inspected kennel
Our puppies are started inside and then moved to indoor/outdoor climate control with constant interaction in our daily life. They learn naturally to potty outside from the moms in natural material and on the turf on the puppy patio making teaching them the potty rules and routine at their new homes pretty simple generally.
In 2021 I started making some videos of our dogs and puppies to post on TikTok. I am definitely not good at this, but I have gotten a bit better. A lot of people don't want to have to go over to TikTok to see the videos so I am slowly working on getting them posted here on the website as well. Check back for more videos coming in the next few days.
Even though they seem very short, doing these videos is very time consuming and takes away from other things we do with the dogs and puppies because if the puppies see me they are going to be distracted by me and then I cannot get a video. It unfortunately seems like the more I share, the more people ask for more. I have been a breeder for over 20 years and only recently did I add videos, my puppies were always placed by photos and a converation with the perspective owner. I will keep making new videos from time to time when the weather, timing, etc. all works in my favor. I do not do videos of every single litter. Remember you want a breeder who is focused on dogs, not on social media presentation. I am a dog breeder not a social media influencer.
We are able to help arrange transport for our Yakutian Laika puppies and our Siberian Husky puppies to all fifty United States as well as sometimes to Canada and Mexico. Our preference is for owners to drive or come fly in and pick up their puppies. Sometimes I have trips coming up and can offer a reduced price transport myself. We can meet almost anytime at TYR airport in Tyler, Texas or SHV in Shreveport, Louisianna. Other arrangements can be made for any other state. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.